Wednesday, September 16, 2020

CRAFT ADDICT, not a hoarder

(This art was made from an old branch a friend was throwing out that I grabbed off the roadside.)

This blog post is to validate my opinion that I am NOT a hoarder.
The definition of some creative soul, who does something, with some of the stuff they keep, sometimes, is called a CRAFT ADDICT, not a hoarder.
This distinction may not seem important to you less compelled to find value in that which lays on the roadside, garage floor or garage sale but to those of us who enjoy a creative frenzy, using that treasured bit of ephemera that has laid in wait patiently for what could be decades is PRICELESS!!!
It makes all the hiding
 (which is when you know it's really a treasure right? All treasure is hidden!) 
arguing and white lies worth the struggle.
Now, in this day and age of enlightenment and equality where the focus is to refrain from judging others who are different than you, I want to point out that those of us frugal folks who easily see value in each and every snippet or crumble of craft confetti rarely disparage those neat-nicks who click their tongues, roll their eyes and often flat out STEAL our treasures to replace them in the trash receptacles from where they were rescued in the first place. 
Why is it socially acceptable that those who yearn for a near empty room, void of "creative clutter", are glorified for throwing away everything they just spent money on last month, as well as every irreplaceable, beautiful, one of a kind bit of history we have saved for several peoples lifetimes,  so they can attain their inner peace?

 While Craft Addicts are made sport of endlessly with accurate memes and belittled for empty space encroachment, it is very rarely celebrated that we can take yesterdays ads or discarded magazines and turn them into wizard wands or decorative bowls in which to hide our needle and thread or mini measuring tapes.
NOW is the Time Crafters!!
Stand up and proudly say- You aren't going to throw that out are you???  I'll take it!!! so we don't HAVE to wait until it hits the trash to dig through to find it.

Remember - There Is No Crafter's Anonymous because no one wants to quit!!!


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Creating during COVID

 Yep- I am missing yet ANOTHER GIFT SHOW. UUUGGGHHHHH!!!!

I am just gonna vent here a little. Ya wanna know another reason I am starting to lose patience with this whole Corona lock down that I absolutely believe people need to take a lot more seriously so we aren't locked up forever?

It's because now I HAVE to learn social media to communicate and sell my art. For all of you who love social media, let me just compare it in a way you might understand how it is for me.
Imagine I shut off ALL your electronic communication, I mean ALL. Then I sat you down with a nun who is about 87 years old who is excited to teach you tatting with an ivory tatting shuttle and extra fine cotton thread....for HOURS and HOURS. And your livelihood depends on you turning out a really lovely length of lace by next week and she has a thick accent and you just had 4 cups of high caffeine coffee.

I don't wanna have ta Zoom, and Instagram and Tweet and Facebook and and and and... I want to sit in a crowded craft fair with my tent blowing away in the wind while I mindlessly jabber on endlessly to strangers about my passions of art process IN PERSON. Where I can see their reactions to what I have created or to hear what THEY created and see and hear and feel their passion and ideas.
All the social media in the world does NOT replace body language, breathing patterns, eye signatures, spontaneous laughter or fidgeting and all the other HUMAN responses that happen with direct social interaction.
My life experience in hypnosis, NLP, art and teaching makes me hyper aware of what we are losing through the electronic communication age.

Having said that- I am soooo hoping that this Covid experience will bring a new awareness for how important socializing in person is.
But it's about TIMING FOLKS!!
STAY HOME for the next couple weeks so that I can go out and play again!

And so it begins

And So it begins......

Why do I think the world needs another blog or my opinion on anything?
Because I have years and years of experience.
I have owned art and craft retail stores, mass produced and wholesaled my art work, published "How to Paint "books, taught art locally, nationally and internationally, licensed my art work, sold at farmers markets and wholesale gift markets, had sales reps and been a sales rep.  I have owned my own studio and gallery and worked for museums, gardens and galleries and loved it all.

Here I am, 35 years into the business of arts and crafts 
and I am no longer a spring chicken and quite frankly, 
I hate to take what I know about anything to the great beyond 
instead of sharing it with anyone who might benefit.

You see- this is my nature.  
I don't see it as a compulsion, (I'm not obsessing, I'm not obsessing, I'm not obsessing.....) 
 I see it as a very strong aspect of my personality.  
I hate to waste ANYTHING.
It doesn't matter if it's mine or of someone else.  Doesn't matter to me if it's time or money or an idea.  Most especially I don't like to see great talent go to waste because someone doesn't really know how truly wonderful they or perhaps their ideas are.  Maybe they just don't know how to get from where they are to where they want to be creatively.  

If I can spark creative enthusiasm in even one person, including and perhaps most especially, a very, very, young person, it would give my heart great joy and my life a meaningful purpose.

My intention in sharing this blog is that it will be filled with tips and techniques, pictures and philosophies, short cuts, long cuts and wood cuts all aimed at the purpose of lighting a fire under those closet dreamers who have not fulfilled their potential in the art of being creative, in whatever form that takes.

Why now?
Well....if we are going to be good friends, (and I know we are), I'm gonna have to tell ya the truth (cause I just don't have the smarts or energy to make up or remember a lie).

I have been away from my passion of painting professionally for a few years and I am proud to say 
DecoArt       is about to publish a series of my hand painted tea towels using their So Soft Paints very soon.  I don't have a website (and really don't want one)
isn't back open yet, so I am hoping that I can put enough pressure on myself via YOU GUYS, to get done the confounding confetti of complicated computer crap needed in the business world today.  

WHAT?  I know, right?  
WHAT I will be providing here instead of rambling in ways sure to embarrass my children or boring the eyeballs off y'all, will be meaty meaningful, practical art and business tips and techniques that will help you reach your creative goals (fancy for: show you how to paint and make cool stuff)  while showing you how to afford your art addiction (fancy for: making and saving you some real money selling your art and giving away secrets on where and how to get cool supplies cheap).

I am a visual learner, meaning- I like pictures and videos instead of reading and reading and having to guess what people REALLY were trying to say so I will be including lots of how to videos and photos.  Hey, let's see if I can really do that!!

Well, look at that!  Miracles DO happen.  
Here is a sneak peak at a couple of the upcoming tea towels I will be teaching you how to paint.

I look forward to sharing more of my art journeys, experience and experiences with you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Creating during Covid 2

 What I have learned is the saying- If I only had more time I would.... is a complete lie.

I have been locked down since March and I have NOT read those books on my night stand, exercised more, lotioned my legs, curled or deep conditioned my hair.  My yard does NOT look great.  I have NOT fixed the plumbing on my brilliant outdoor sink.  I am not spending any more time cooking great new meals.

I have spent waaaaayyyy too much time playing on the computer. I've learned a little more about social media. 

I HAVE gotten in touch with friends and relatives that I haven't talked to in a long time.

I have day dreamed much more.

I have taken some time to just BE occasionally. 

I believe that when Covid passes we will all jump right back into the same rat race we say we don't want- being too busy for the things we say we REALLY want to do.

The truth is- every day we all have the exact same amount of time no matter what is going on. 24 hours. So NOW is the time.  Create, live, love, enjoy!!

Has Covid changed anything about how you will spend your time when it's over?

Are you taking advantage of the conveniences and benefits along with complaining about the difficulties it has brought to so many?

Are you going to wish you would have...... while you had the time?

Or are you going to go show off all you accomplished when you had the time to FOCUS on passion projects or your to- do's?

I am choosing to explore new creative outlets, business avenues, painting styles and challenge myself to be more comfortable with this very format I am struggling with at this very moment.

This painting is on light cotton.  I used DecoArt fabric paints because I like the softness and the control I get compared to acrylics.  The humming bird is almost magical to me.  So tiny and fast and can do things other birds can not.  I love the assorted colors found in the different varieties of humming birds. Small but mighty might sum up my point.

Don't underestimate the importance of  a small act if kindness or the extra quiet time you may have right now. Use this time to do something astounding or confounding!  

I can't wait to see and hear what you come up with.

Please SHARE with me.  You are all my muses in one way or another.


Monday, September 7, 2020

It's been a long time coming


You may notice a bit of a gap between posts.
Well, there has been a lot going on in my life.
That will be a soap opera for another day.
For now I just wanted to say, in the midst of Corona I thought perhaps NOW is the time.
The original focus of this blog many years ago was to share what I have learned so that others can avoid some of the pitfalls of art entrepreneurship and speed on to the fun of being a creative soul.
I hope to share painting tips and tragedies, photos and patterns.
I am looking forward to YOU sharing your art journey with me as well so we can, together, make this a more beautiful wonderful place.
Let's get started.
This little angel (from) above was painted on cheap cold press watercolor paper because that is what I had when inspiration hit me.
At the time of this writing there are riots and protests and political division.
I thought this little gal says it all.
Life is simple.
People make it complicated.
Listen to what she says.

(P.S.  Yes, I know this is a crappy off center picture with bad lighting to start things off.  So many times we don't get started because there is always something we want to improve before we do. The "Not Good Enough" syndrome kills ideas, confidence and people.  I chose to start where I am and improve along the way). 

CRAFT ADDICT, not a hoarder

(This art was made from an old branch a friend was throwing out that I grabbed off the roadside.) This blog post is to validate my opinion t...