Wednesday, September 16, 2020

CRAFT ADDICT, not a hoarder

(This art was made from an old branch a friend was throwing out that I grabbed off the roadside.)

This blog post is to validate my opinion that I am NOT a hoarder.
The definition of some creative soul, who does something, with some of the stuff they keep, sometimes, is called a CRAFT ADDICT, not a hoarder.
This distinction may not seem important to you less compelled to find value in that which lays on the roadside, garage floor or garage sale but to those of us who enjoy a creative frenzy, using that treasured bit of ephemera that has laid in wait patiently for what could be decades is PRICELESS!!!
It makes all the hiding
 (which is when you know it's really a treasure right? All treasure is hidden!) 
arguing and white lies worth the struggle.
Now, in this day and age of enlightenment and equality where the focus is to refrain from judging others who are different than you, I want to point out that those of us frugal folks who easily see value in each and every snippet or crumble of craft confetti rarely disparage those neat-nicks who click their tongues, roll their eyes and often flat out STEAL our treasures to replace them in the trash receptacles from where they were rescued in the first place. 
Why is it socially acceptable that those who yearn for a near empty room, void of "creative clutter", are glorified for throwing away everything they just spent money on last month, as well as every irreplaceable, beautiful, one of a kind bit of history we have saved for several peoples lifetimes,  so they can attain their inner peace?

 While Craft Addicts are made sport of endlessly with accurate memes and belittled for empty space encroachment, it is very rarely celebrated that we can take yesterdays ads or discarded magazines and turn them into wizard wands or decorative bowls in which to hide our needle and thread or mini measuring tapes.
NOW is the Time Crafters!!
Stand up and proudly say- You aren't going to throw that out are you???  I'll take it!!! so we don't HAVE to wait until it hits the trash to dig through to find it.

Remember - There Is No Crafter's Anonymous because no one wants to quit!!!


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CRAFT ADDICT, not a hoarder

(This art was made from an old branch a friend was throwing out that I grabbed off the roadside.) This blog post is to validate my opinion t...