Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Creating during COVID

 Yep- I am missing yet ANOTHER GIFT SHOW. UUUGGGHHHHH!!!!

I am just gonna vent here a little. Ya wanna know another reason I am starting to lose patience with this whole Corona lock down that I absolutely believe people need to take a lot more seriously so we aren't locked up forever?

It's because now I HAVE to learn social media to communicate and sell my art. For all of you who love social media, let me just compare it in a way you might understand how it is for me.
Imagine I shut off ALL your electronic communication, I mean ALL. Then I sat you down with a nun who is about 87 years old who is excited to teach you tatting with an ivory tatting shuttle and extra fine cotton thread....for HOURS and HOURS. And your livelihood depends on you turning out a really lovely length of lace by next week and she has a thick accent and you just had 4 cups of high caffeine coffee.

I don't wanna have ta Zoom, and Instagram and Tweet and Facebook and and and and... I want to sit in a crowded craft fair with my tent blowing away in the wind while I mindlessly jabber on endlessly to strangers about my passions of art process IN PERSON. Where I can see their reactions to what I have created or to hear what THEY created and see and hear and feel their passion and ideas.
All the social media in the world does NOT replace body language, breathing patterns, eye signatures, spontaneous laughter or fidgeting and all the other HUMAN responses that happen with direct social interaction.
My life experience in hypnosis, NLP, art and teaching makes me hyper aware of what we are losing through the electronic communication age.

Having said that- I am soooo hoping that this Covid experience will bring a new awareness for how important socializing in person is.
But it's about TIMING FOLKS!!
STAY HOME for the next couple weeks so that I can go out and play again!

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