Monday, September 7, 2020

It's been a long time coming


You may notice a bit of a gap between posts.
Well, there has been a lot going on in my life.
That will be a soap opera for another day.
For now I just wanted to say, in the midst of Corona I thought perhaps NOW is the time.
The original focus of this blog many years ago was to share what I have learned so that others can avoid some of the pitfalls of art entrepreneurship and speed on to the fun of being a creative soul.
I hope to share painting tips and tragedies, photos and patterns.
I am looking forward to YOU sharing your art journey with me as well so we can, together, make this a more beautiful wonderful place.
Let's get started.
This little angel (from) above was painted on cheap cold press watercolor paper because that is what I had when inspiration hit me.
At the time of this writing there are riots and protests and political division.
I thought this little gal says it all.
Life is simple.
People make it complicated.
Listen to what she says.

(P.S.  Yes, I know this is a crappy off center picture with bad lighting to start things off.  So many times we don't get started because there is always something we want to improve before we do. The "Not Good Enough" syndrome kills ideas, confidence and people.  I chose to start where I am and improve along the way). 

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